Case Study
How InterClean Helped a Transportation Company Save $50,000 Per Year
About the Transportation Company
The Challenge
Cue InterClean
The Solution
InterClean designed, built, and installed the Ultra Gantry wash system with a three-brush, two-step chemical application configuration. The Ultra Gantry system is a customizable rollover bus and truck wash system that uses a combination of high-volume, low-pressure jets and high-pressure washers, specifically designed for transportation vehicles.
The following features were included in the solution that InterClean provided for this transportation company.
Chemical Application
Friction Cleaning
Rinse Arch
Remote Diagnosis
The Results
This Ultra Gantry wash package was a perfect solution to combat the manual washing challenges the transportation company was facing prior.
With the help of InterClean, they’ve now seen major reductions in wash times and labor costs. Additionally, this transportation company no longer has to wash their fleet manually and can get their vehicles on the road faster and cleaner than ever before.
- Up to 83% reduction in wash times
- Each vehicle is now thoroughly washed in only 5-10 minutes
- Estimated savings of at least $50,000 per year
Learn more about the Gantry wash systems featured in this case study.